Friday 3 June 2016

Company Warrants Expiring in 2016 - Actions Needed

I need to remind myself all the outstanding company warrants that are expiring in 2016 in my portfolio which I will need to take action. I will update this list accordingly as I go along so that I won't forget about them.

WE HLDGS W160318, Expiry Date: 18 Mar 2016, Exercise price = $0.03, Conversion ratio 1:1 - Warrants expired worthless.
NTEGRATORW160603, Expiry Date: 3 Jun 2016, Exercise price = $ 0.014, Conversion ratio 1:1 - Warrants expired worthless.
ASIATRAV W160715, Expiry Date: 15 Jul 2016, Exercise price = $0.273, Conversion ratio 1:1 - No action taken yet.
ROWSLEY W161003, Expiry Date: 3 Oct 2016, Exercise price = $0.18, Conversion ratio 1:1 - No action taken yet.
TECHOIL&GW161209, Expiry Date: 9 Dec 2016, Exercise price = $0.25, Conversion ratio 1:1 - No action taken yet.

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