Thursday 28 January 2016

Choosing The Right Stock by Ronald K - Come Learn From Me

With the current market condition, it's getting increasingly difficult to search for a stock for trading. However by analyzing the Top Volume, it seemed as though there are some potential counters like Sunmoon, Terratech and some other stocks with showed some kind of opportunities for short term trading. It's going to be Chinese New Year soon and I will most probably conduct my last FREE sharing session before CNY kicks in. In this last session, because stock picking is important and it can change your fortune if you know how to, I will be illustrating the techniques and the dynamics of how to do so. Moreover, we will also be giving out SMS alerts for those who are interested to received stock alerts and updates from us. Register below.

Eventbrite - Register for FREE SMS Stock Alerts

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist

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