Tuesday 26 January 2016

Sembcorp Ind - Made $800 Intraday with Singapore Stock

It was yet another good day as my morning outlook not only materialized as predicted @ 8:39am, but more importantly $$ was made.


I just want to illustrate a point that when you buy/sell a stock, always do it at the point of hidden buying/selling. Never chase the market when the volume comes in as depicted on the screenshot as attached above. This time round the victim was Sembcorp Ind. Most oil counters like Keppel, Ezion, Ezra started to tumble and Sembcorp wasn't spared. The volume of sellers which emerged after a mere 10 lots of shorting was humongous. Shorted 2.3 and covered 2.22 which is a good 8 pip intraday profits of $800. So is making $500 - $1000 a week possible? You decide and this Thursday, I will be sharing this new found strategy. Make $500-$1000 a week only after you learnt this one of it's kind strategy from me.

Eventbrite - Register to make $500-$1000 a week

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist

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