Sunday 31 January 2016

SMRT - Good News Into Charts

Over the weekend, the edge magazine had a feature on SMRT. After reading it, it made logic and sense. On the surface, the company looks like they made some improvements with more transparency with concerted effort to improve it's image with a blog and an advertising campaign. This is what it portrays in the media and news but in fact, this piece of good news had already been factored into the SMRT stock price as shown in the chart above circled at the gap down point. SMRT as of now looks bullish. The buyers were flocking in and there were limited sellers. In the near term, I would look into a good timing for a bullish trade. For those who shorted, be alert of your positions if any. The chart is telling us that the Big Boys had covered their shorts. :)

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picture source: taken from edge magazine

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist

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