Monday 14 March 2016

Del Monte Pacific - UOB Kay Hian 2016-03-15: 3QFY16: A Challenging Quarter Mired By One-off Charges But Nonetheless A Turnaround

Del Monte Pacific - UOB Kay Hian 2016-03-15: 3QFY16: A Challenging Quarter Mired By One-off Charges But Nonetheless A Turnaround DEL MONTE PACIFIC LIMITED D03.SI 

Del Monte Pacific (DELM SP) 3QFY16: A Challenging Quarter Mired By One-off Charges But Nonetheless A Turnaround 

  • DMPL’s net profit improved from the loss of US$2.2m in 3QFY15 to a gain of US$0.6m for 3QFY16. 
  • Sales were down by 7% yoy due to lost contracts in the US but market share for the core US retail business remained stable amid a challenging quarter. 
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